Hopeful Romantic-Colour Me Smitten!

5 Mar

There’s a reason my name is Maxine,I’m sure. Seems like my parents got a sneak-peak into my future and realised that I would be a kid with some extreme tendencies(mostly in the positive now,don’t get me wrong!).Of us five kids,i’m like the most energetic,most troublesome,most playful,most outgoing,most easily-bored and yes,most imaginative!And this is practically one of my strongest(and sometimes worst) qualities.My imagination sort of acts like a zoom lens camera,it initially focuses on a particular focal point and with the
most subtle shift,it indiscriminately whizzes out to embrace all the possibilities that my readily fertile mind sprouts. Add a large reading appetite and a love for late-night radio to that and that leaves me with a very potent imagination to explore.
Now my vivid imagination came in handy during those bleak,dull days when boredom wanted to force itself as a choker around my neck,particularly in my formative years when my parents were most protective and restrictive. With loads of time on my hand, my imagination tilted more towards fantasies and my reading foray and my love for beautiful late-night radio music were additional fuel to the wildfire that was my imagination, especially in the romance department.
Talking about romance, I used to have crushes and trust me,I was sort of selective with my crushes,not by design but by some peculiar twist of fate. I hardly crush on celebrities or engage in any delusions of a far-away prince cresting the mountains and fording turbulent seas to get to me.
I’m of the romantic school of thought that,agreed, fate is involved in love and its intricacies,yet we also play our roles of being ready to love and being lovable too. Of course I do believe that there is a prince for every girl(moreso for a romantic), yet I like to believe that my prince is somewhere around me, observing and getting to know my whimsical quirks and falling in love with me as well as learning to love me just as I am. That’s why,of all the tales of fantasy and happily-ever-afters I have ever read or watched, ENCHANTED is one of my
favourite because it’s realistic and appeals to the reality I believe in. If you’ve not watched it,maybe you should.
So, there I was in my special corner of the world when he strode in,all 6 ft 2″ chocolatey goodness of him. First impression had me thinking he was an overly self-assured extremely handsome dark clean-shaven guy but his dancing eyes told me different.They told me he is a playful and mysterious hunk.Getting
to know him revealed an endearing personality,a deep intelligence and the right dose of confidence,just the way I like it! With beautifully curved lips and oh yes, that quick cute smile that revealed deep-reaching dimples,he had volts of sparks darting through my heart like war missiles. Like my breath was not catching enough, he had to knock my breath right out with his incredible greek-god-like body.
Oh my word!
I promise! The most physical design I had towards him was to give him a
smacking peck on his bald head and tickle his dimpled cheek with my tongue. LOL!Did I add that he can sing?
He sure can.
All this info I was able to glean from my relatively vantage position of being his best-buddy’s younger sister. And that seemingly vantage position was my undoing because that was practically the only way he saw me. We used to argue a lot, especially about romance. He would laugh at my romantic dreams and
practically pat me on the head, saying i needed a large-dose of reality to put my dreams in perspective. I hated his attitude but virtually lived to see the flash of his smile so I forgave him everytime.
Well my shock is as good as yours when he started acting all weird but i must say,it was good-weird.He would look me deep in the eyes when we talked and he was even paying more attention to my romantic fantasies. He would come over to my house when my brother was not around and find a reason to stay for hours and, unsuspecting me, I was always the obliging companion. He started listening to my favourite late night radio-shows and reading my favorite authors. I was so elated to have a like-minded person to discuss endlessly with and because he was my brother’s friend, my parents gave us much liberty to spend time together. Things came to a head when I started finding sheets of short romantic-poems in my novels whenever he returned
them. At first, I thought they were mistakes and meant to give them back but they were so intensely romantic that i kept them as future ammunition against his anti-romance stance.
However, they continued and at some point, I started getting jealous of his muse. I also observed that a certain someone(anonymous) was always calling my favourite late-night shows to permeate the airwaves with his beautiful rendition of short poems or love-songs dedicated to a girl with my name but since i did not know anyone so romantic, I never even considered me to be the lucky girl,though I always looked forward to his calls.
Then one day, I discovered that one of his poems was a sort of code with references to ‘airwaves’ and ‘the hidden caller’ and ‘listen up tonight’. My heart was beating ever so fast when i tuned in to the show that night and when he called in, I knew it was him. He recited a poem that indicated his subtle advances through hidden notes and late-night serenades and then he mentioned my name, said he knew I was listening and did the most heart-melting rendition of All 4 One’s ‘I Swear’. I melted into a mushy mass of romance-fulfilled.
He came over the next day and without a single word, his eyes told me loud and clear what his pride would not let him say to my face just yet. And as we made to melt the wall of division between us with the heat of our combined passion seeking release through a kiss, I heard the sound of a familiar laugh seep in from somewhere really close.
‘Go away!’
I wanted to scream but it just won’t.
More voices and louder laughter and I was jolted from my reverie. Noooooooo………….
He was right there in front of me, gisting away with my brother and when he noticed I was staring intently at him, he sent a smile my
Oh my heart!

They say dreams come true,right?Well,I’m
keeping my fingers crossed on this one.
Romance Drop- Never let anybody’s sarcasm or cynicism daunt your romantic spirit. Give it wings to fly, and who knows,it might even rescue them from themselves!

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Go Ahead...Don't Hold Back...Say What You Wanna...