Tag Archives: perspective

My Point Is…

5 Mar

I’m sorry if this rubs up your sensitive side but I just can’t help being this way.
Don’t blame it on my origin
Don’t blame it on my petite frame
Don’t blame it on my gender either.
This fun-size-omo-Ondo-bundle-of-creative-energies that is me has little to do with it.
Go right ahead and blame it on my exposure to a refined breed of intelligence.
Oh yes!
Refined I say!
You know why?
Because it does not require me to cower or kowtow to a more assertively aggressive point of view (POV).
It simply calls for an open mind in viewing other POVs.
It encourages me to listen and apply selective knowledge acquisition.
Therefore, I will not instantly drop and pick POVs at the bark of your request.
And please, do not throw the stubborn label at me.
My bible tells me that stubbornness is a type of witchcraft (1Samuel 15:23) and I sure am not a witch. I’m a Jesus-Girl all day everyday baby!
No, I am not stubborn. I’m just a strong believer in my POV just as you are and I believe also that every side of an argument and every person is a contributory intelligence potential to the intelligence capital of the world, hence my listening habit and non-overly emotional spiel of my POV.
Surprising how we all agree on the fact that we are unique individuals but when the demon of POV raises its head,we just can’t seem to understand why someone will think,talk or act like that.
I confess, sometimes I’m as guilty as the next man.
But my observatory senses highlight my awareness of this reality and with every passing argument and POV expression, I’m sure becoming a better person in this department of musing.
Give the other person the benefit of an explanation for their decisions before you dismiss them as myopic or fantasy-indulgent. You’ll never know what the view is like from over there until you are there or you get a description.
‘Nuff said!

And by the way, the high breed of intelligence I bragged about earlier is the wisdom of God☺. I mean, he has such breath-taking depth! When we argue with his superior knowledge, he doesn’t shut us up with a thundering earth-shaking roar of his voice (which he could if he wanted and trust that will work magic for our wagging tongues☺). Rather,he listens to our attempts to justify our arguments and he makes us hear the voice of our arguments clearer in his silence. Well, hearing the sound of our, uhmm, POINT against his wisdom sorts it all out quite simply. No fight, no fuss.
Sometimes we need to hear the voice of our point to really get the picture of what we are saying.

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